Monday, September 3, 2012

Difficult Goodbyes

Now that I have internet at my new house on campus, I can finally post another update! So hello there! Thanks for hanging in there over the past weeks.

Saying goodbye to Georgie
So I'm back at school now and just finished my first week of classes. It's definitely a huge transition from this summer and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to be back on the farm. But I am already trying to get companion animal research ideas together so I can get back down there next summer through the internship program.

It was definitely hard to say goodbye to the farm, especially the farm crew and the two calves I had been bottle feeding for last few days prior to leaving. But I'm excited to get to go back down later this month to collect the final data and hope to spend another summer down there.  

Georgie, one of the calves whom I was feeding because no cows would claim her...but I did. She was probably the hardest to say goodbye to. She was my rock when it came to the calves cause the others had passed but she was a fighter and quite the pig. Unfortunately, after I left, I found out she had passed. It hit me pretty hard. I just couldn't believe it. But I will never forget her, especially since she gave me a scar from falling while I was feeding her. I love you Georgie!

On the drive back north, it didn't feel like I was going home. This farm had become my home and I was leaving. It was bittersweet to say the least. I miss it with all my heart but it motivates me to work hard in school so I can go back my home and do the things I love to do and see everyone again.

So to Dixon Springs, I say, I will see you again!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Beef Day, Calving Season is here!, My B-day, Extended Stay, and the Perfect Storm

It's been a hell of a couple weeks. I have been prepping for Beef Day, an event for local beef producers that we presented our research projects at, and also the end of summer intern presentation. I was so nervous for Beef Day. The thought of speaking in front of 150 +/- cattle producers who have been doing this forever had me shakin' in my cowgirl boots. But to my surprise, it went off without a hitch! As I was presenting my study, I was looking into a sea of people that were genuinely interested in what I had to say! It was so reassuring! Many even came up to me after to ask more questions and get my opinion on different things. They liked me, they really liked me! LOL. Frank (my boss) even said we did a good job and that he was proud of us! Needless to say, I had a great time meeting such great people and showing them what I have been workin on.

I also celebrated by 21st birthday this past Monday. I actually celebrated a little early by getting a tattoo and baking a cake with the boys. And no, I didn't get sloppy drunk. I worked all day and got covered in cow poop and blood. We had to work the heifers that morning, taking weights and blood. It was great to get the practice though. Later that night, I went to Shawnee Mart to buy some hard lemonade (not as good as I had thought it would be). At the counter, I was all ready to hand her my ID. But get this! She didn't even card me! Anyways, I spent the night relaxing after the long day and resting up for another early mornin. I did go visit some premature calves before the night was over. I just sat there on the dirt and petted their soft little bodies. It was so peaceful. What a great way to end such a special day!

Lastly, if y'all didn't know, I'm spending an extra week down here to help with calving season. I hope I get to see one being born! And don't worry, I'll take video! It's weird having the place to myself. Today was the one the only times that I went to the grocery store by myself. This is where the perfect storm comes in. Fabiola (that's my car's name) got into an accident. First things first, I was ok wasn't my fault. I was driving in the right hand lane of a 4-lane road when the conversion van to the left of me decided to turn right....right into me. I slammed on my breaks but there was nothing I could do. CRUNCH. The worst part was that they wouldn't admit that they hit me. They claimed they just hit the curb. Ummm, excuse me? Do you see my car? Anyways, now my car is in the shop because the front wheel suspension is messed up and I have to rent a car. But luckily, I was able to get a ride from Frank back to the Center. Thanks, Frank!

Well that's all I got for now! I'm sure I'll have more stories to tell later!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Massac County Youth Fair and ISR Update

Sorry, but this is gonna be a short one today.....but I'll make up for it with all the pictures!

So this past Tuesday, us animal science interns volunteered at the Massac County Youth Fair! We got to check in produce all morning and then we got the afternoon to ourselves. It was great to see all the cattle, pigs, and goats. I especially enjoyed seeing one of my co-workers, Dan, and his kids (and cows) there. Here are some pics!

"Dressed Up Potato" category

"Garden Freaks" - Sweet Potato

Also, this week, Jester the dog was accepted into ISR. Amazingly, the new foster is a professor at U of I! I picked up Jester this morning and drove him to Salem this afternoon where we met his new "dad." The whole way there, Jessie just curled up in the seat next to me and would occasionally rest his head on my hand. It was a big day for him and I'm glad I got to help make it happen. I'm sure I'll be seeing the little guy again. I offered to watch him and his new sister if Mark (his new dad) ever went out of town. I definitely missed his company on the ride home, even if he did have a little gas on the way.

Jester trying to navigate the car

Anyways, that's all for now. I gotta work on writing an abstract on my project for Beef Day this Tuesday and creating a poster.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Right Place, Right Time

Hey y'all! (yes, I just said "y'all", don't judge me :P)

So, I have a project update. My grazing study has been resurrected. We have cut the sudangrass/crabgrass mix out of the study because the grass will not be able to reach a safe height before the 15th. Instead, the calves that were assigned to those pastures will be moved to the novel endophyte grass this coming Wednesday. The new idea is to see if the calves from the endophyte-infected fescue (Kentucky 31) can catch up in performance, especially ADG (average daily gain),  to those that have been grazing on the novel endophyte infected fescue during period one. However, I'm not getting up my hopes too much since the novel endophyte fescue pastures that they will be moved into and even the Kentucky 31 fields are looking pretty worrisome. I just don't know if the grasses will last long enough to complete the study. But I've got my fingers crossed and my Grandma prayin' for rain! (Thanks, Grandma Dorothy! Love you!)

Anyways, going along with my title......

My Mom and Mike (my stepdad) visited me this weekend. It was great to show them around the farm and introduce them to my "bovine babies."

I also brought them to the animal shelter that Eileen and I volunteer at in Metropolis, Project Hope. As we pulled in the parking lot, I saw a german shorthair pointer in the back of a SUV. I immediately, commented to my mom (knowing that the shelter is at maximum capacity and they would have to be turned down and having a german shorthair of my own), "They better not be giving him to the shelter, cause we'll be going home with another dog if they are."

Unfortunately, they were. However, they had gotten him from the shelter, so Project Hope was obligated to take him back. I told them I would call my friend and Mona's old foster mom to see if we could get him into a foster home with the Illinois Shorthair Rescue (ISR) ( ). He is a great dog! He is only 3 years old and is very handsome, I must say.

Here is a picture of my baby girl, Mona, whom I adopted last summer.....Let me know if you would like a german shorthair of your own; I have connections ; )

Mona, pooped after her first day of dog training

the whole family (from the right: Kohl, Roxy, and Luci....and of course Mona)

Anyways, my mom and Mike's visit actually made me realize how badly I needed this summer. And I am so grateful for it! Needless to say, this past school year kinda sucked. (I don't mean to complain or focus on myself but this is a blog, usually that's what they are for :P ) But anyways, starting the first week or so of my sophomore year not being able to walk after being diagnosed with Lofgren's syndrome, toeing the line of failure in Animal Science Physiology, and not being allowed on campus for a week and a half due to the mumps (who gets the mumps these days, you ask? . . . Me, that's who) really ruined the mood of my second year of college.

But this summer turned all that around. I don't think I have ever been happier. It's not that I don't miss home or my family or my amazing friends, but this place really feels like home to me. Maybe it's the people, the independence, the feeling of a hard day's work. Whatever it is, I love it!

For now, I'll leave you with the lyrics to a song that I like by Sara Evans........

I've been telling my dreams to the scarecrow
About the places that I'd like to see
I say, "friend do you think I'll ever get there?"
Oh, but he just stands there smilin' back at me
So I confessed my sins to the preacher
About the love I've been prayin' to find
Is there a brown-eyed boy in my future, yeah
And he says, "girl, you've got nothin' but time."

But how do you wait for heaven?
And who has that much time?
And how do you keep your feet on the ground
When you know that you were born,
You were born to fly

My daddy he is grounded like the oak tree
My momma she is steady as the sun
Oh, you know I love my folks
But I keep starin' down the road
Just lookin' for my one chance to run
Hey, cause I will soar away like a blackbird
I will blow in the wind like a seed
I will plant my heart in the garden of my dreams
And I will grow up where I wander wild and free

Oh, How do you wait for heaven?
And who has that much time?
And how do you keep your feet on the ground
When you know, that you were born?
You were born, yeah, you were born to fly

So how do you wait for heaven?
And who has that much time?
And how do you keep your feet on the ground
When you know, that you were born
You were born to fly, yeah

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dad's Day & Memories Made

Hey guys! I just thought I would share more info about my research project. So here you go!

Dixon Springs Fescue Grazing Study
Graduate Student: Bain Wilson
Advisor: Frank Ireland
Mentor: Dr. Daniel Shike

Project Overview
Tall fescue is a very hardy forage found across the United States. Fescue’s drought and pest-resistance  result from its endophytic fungus, Acremonium coenophialium. However, this ergot alkaloid producing endophyte also causes negative effects on animals, known as fescue toxicosis. The main ergopeptide found in tall fescue is ergovaline. Fescue toxicosis inhibits the animal’s thermoregulation and decreases growth.
During the grazing trial, there will be three testing groups of cattle receiving two different treatments of forages & two control groups receiving only endophyte-infected fescue or novel endophyte-infected fescue.
Other forages to be used include a sudangrass with the brown mid rib gene and crabgrass mix.
To evaluate the different grazing systems, differences will be measured in forage availability, forage nutrient content, calf ADG, symptoms of thermal stress, and calf activity level.

My Hypothesis
I hypothesize the cattle grazing on endophyte-infected fescue will display more symptoms of thermal stress and poorer overall performance during Period 2 than those grazing on the other forages.

Determine which forage type yields the cattle with best performance, specifically, by measuring differences in:
  • Forage Availability
  • Forage Nutrient Content
  • Calf Average Daily Gain (ADG)
  • Symptoms of Thermal Stress
  • Calf Activity Level
Determine if novel endophyte-infected fescue or warm season annuals are suitable alternative to endophyte-infected fescue in a rotational grazing system.
4 grazing treatments with two replicates of each treatment per year will be utilized:
    Period 1 = May 1 – July 15
    Period 2 = July 15 – October 2

Four different forages will be used, including the negative control of endophyte infected fescue (KY-31) (E+), the positive control of novel endophyte infected fescue (Max Q Jesup) (NE), and a sudangrass with the brown mid rib gene and crabgrass  mix (Red River and Quick N Big) (SC).

Six steer calves will be used as tester animals for each treatment. Six calves will be added to each treatment group to be used as “put and take” animals in order to maintain grazing pressure across all treatments. Each pasture is divided into six 1.5 acre paddocks which the calves are rotated into every 5 days.

The proposed treatments are as follows:
Treatment #
Period 1
Period 2

Differences in the following areas will be measured as follows:
    1.  Forage availability
  • Use rising plate at beginning of grazing in each pasture and again at the end of each rotation
  • Measure forage mass in four randomly chosen sites within each pasture at beginning of trial and again every 30 days
    2. Forage Nutrient Content
  • Clip samples while measuring forage mass
  • Dry samples and send to forage analysis lab to determine nutrient content
    3. Calf Average Daily Gain:
  • Double-weigh calves at beginning of Period 1
  • Reweigh calves between Periods 1 & 2 and also at the end of the trial in August
4. Symptoms of Thermal Stress
  • Measure respiration rate for tester cattle in each treatment
  • Take blood on the 1st & 2nd of May, June, July, and August and again on August 31st to measure serum prolactin levels
  • Assess hair coat and assign body conditioning scores at each weighing and bleed point

5. Calf Grazing Behavior
  • Measure amount of steps taken by attaching pedometers to the legs of the tester animals in each treatment
Lastly, all data will be assessed to determine the effects of each grazing treatment. Based  on these results, we will determine which forage or combination of forages yields the most positive overall effects on the tester cattle.
Period 2 Update
  • Due to the drought,  Period 1 has been extended at least 15 days to allow the warm season treatment to grown in.
  • The sudangrass was also replanted June 7th and 8th at 25 lbs/acre. This regrowth must reach a height of 18-20 inches before grazing to reduce the prussic acid toxicity.
  • If Period 2 begins July 15th, the end date of the trial will be pushed back to October 2nd or 3rd.
  • If an adequate forage amount for this treatment is not achieved, the project will be thrown out for this summer.
Deliverables & Outcomes
  • Bain Wilson will present the research at the Midwest Conference
  • More information on the effects and alternatives to endophyte-infected fescue will be available
  • Producers will have more evidence to support switching their pastures to an alternative forage and avoid the profit losses caused by fescue toxicosis
Please pray for rain. As you can see, I really need it!

Eileen and I are also trying to create a companion animals program here. So, each week we take a day to visit a local shelter, vet clinic, or pound to assess the needs down here. By the end of the summer, based on the feedback we have received from these places, we will hold an event or create educational pamphlets for the local pet owners. Some ideas that we’re throwing around is a spay/neuter weekend, free microchipping, or creating pamphlets on the importance of flea and tick prevention, heartworm prevention, spay/neuter, and other responsibilities that pet owners have. 

So far, we have visited an animal shelter in Metropolis, a vet clinic in Vienna, and the City of Harrisburg Animal Control. We actually volunteered at Project Hope, the shelter in Metropolis, after church today. It was great to see that a few of the dogs that we met during our last visit had been adopted, including Jax (the husky)  and 2 of 3 other puppies that I had played with.

Anyways, my dad came down to visit me last weekend for Father’s Day. I don’t think I have ever been so excited to see someone. I had so much fun showing him my steer calves and all the other bulls and heifers, demonstrating my cattle callin’ abilities, and exploring the area. Him and I had a deja vu when I saw that one of my calves had made it through the fence and was catchin up with his buddies across the lane. It took me back to when we were "camping" but were actually just sleeping in a tent outside the house. Dad woke me up and got me outside the tent. Pointing towards the farm shop, he asked, "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Yes I was. It was our miniature donkey, Eeyore. He had gotten out of his pen, made his way up the driveway, and was wishing us good morning.

All the ladies at the fence after I sent out my cow call
 I’m so glad he got to come down to see all that I have been working on and everything I have been telling him about in person. I really do love it down here. It reminds me of my years on the farm, except now I'm old enough to have more responsibilities and I don't get to eat the "dud" apple cider donuts. Even on my days off work, I usually end up stopping in at the lab to say hi to the guys and see if I can do anything. I can’t believe how fast this summer has gone. To be honest, it makes me sad to think I’ll be heading back at the beginning of August. But I know the memories will outlast the summer.

Cow Callin'

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

All Creatures Big & Small.....and Superman

Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay! We have been pretty busy the past few days. Anyways, on Thursday, Eileen and I visited the Project Hope Humane Society in Metropolis. It was great to play with the dogs and puppies. Lately, I have only cuddled with cattle and a fawn. While at the shelter, we also talked with the vet tech to find out the biggest needs when it comes to companion animals down here. We’re thinking about holding a spay/neuter weekend and creating informational pamphlets to educate pet owners on the importance of spaying/neutering their pets, flea and tick prevention, and heartworm prevention. Here are some pictures of the little cuties we met there!


3 Puppies Project Hope rescued from the pound

On Saturday, it was back to the cattle. Mike taught me how to drive the Bobcat and we fixed the feed truck. After work, I scrubbed the grease off and we interns headed to Metropolis for their annual Superman Festival. There were quite a few “characters” there. 

Then, for dinner we went to a Japanese hibachi grill in Paducah, Kentucky. The food was great and our chef was very entertaining to watch. I never thought that the first hibachi grill that I would ever go to would be in Kentucky. 

To wrap up the night, we all went downtown Paducah where there was a street music festival. We walked the streets for a while and made our way down to the river bank where we sat as the sun set. It was so gorgeous and peaceful. Plus, it was wonderful to have all the interns together. We didn’t realize how late it was until one of us checked their phone. I’m sure we’ll have a few more nights like that before the summer’s end. 
The Interns of 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

Life is Beautiful

WARNING: This post is sad but eye-opening.
Just yesterday, I experienced something and learned a lesson that I will never forget. Mike and I had taken the truck to an old barn to take some of the roofing off to make shades for my steer calves. As Mike drove through the tall grass, we suddenly heard something cry. We jumped out of the truck to see if we hit something. Sadly, we did. As I searched I almost stepped on it; it let out a cry.
The fawn as I sat with her and tried to get her to stand

I was horrified to see a tiny fawn. It couldn’t stand and was not moving its hind legs. We felt her body to see if she had any broken bones; I suspected something had happened to her spine. While Mike returned to work, I sat with the baby. I so desperately wanted her to stand and walk. I held her in my arms, petted her soft fur, spoke softly to her as she occasionally let out a cry. I don’t believe it was out of pain, but that she was calling her mother.

After some time, Mike called me. He needed my help. I could hardly talk, not wanting to allow the tears to flow in front of him. Before getting back in the truck, we both looked to see if the fawn was still there. My hopes soared when I didn’t see her where I had left her, but they plummeted when I followed the trail of flattened grass to see she had dragged herself.

I didn’t want to leave her, but I knew I couldn’t make her better. I couldn’t stop thinking about her, wondering what would happen to her. I needed advice so I called my dad. I imagined he would just say, “that’s the circle of life.” But he didn’t. He told me to do what I thought was right. So I called one of the stakeholders of my research project who is a vet. Again, I was surprised by how willing he was to help. He explained that he didn’t have a certification to do wildlife rehab, but he would humanely euthanize her if I brought her to his office.

I immediately jumped in my car, parked outside the gate, and climbed over. I ran down the gravel road to get her. I tried to follow the tire trail to find her. But the grass was so tall and thick. I listened for her cries. Silence. I was not going to leave until I found her. Finally, I did but it was too late. She had passed. I again held her in my arms, ran my hands along her body, and spoke to her. I had never held something so beautiful, delicate, and peaceful. I kissed her on the forehead, and placed her in a safer place. After I told her goodbye and said a prayer, I walked empty-handed back to my car. It felt endless.

I was so disappointed that I didn’t make it in time and couldn’t be there for her. I felt horrible. I could not stop thinking about her and what I could have done differently. While I was glad she passed peacefully and wasn’t put through any further pain, I wanted to be there. She shouldn’t have been alone. But I hope she felt loved, respected, and cared for.

That day, not only did I realize just how beautiful and fragile life can be, but I also learned how important it is to stay true to myself. If something like this had happened back at home, I would have driven her right to the vet. But here, I was worried people would think I was silly for caring so much. Now I know that I should never compromise my devotion for animals. No matter where I am, I will always be the same. I am me. I may be crazy, people may think I’m "too sensitive," but I am me and I won’t be ashamed to do what I feel is right.
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

As always, thanks for reading. It felt great to put my feelings into words and share them with you all.

P.S. I also found some baby mice (I'm guessing) in one of my pastures today. It brightened my day, reminding me that while there is death, there is new life.

Here are some pictures of the little pinkies!